
> sorry for the second mail in this short amount of time but just had some time 
> to do more test.
> I'm not really familiar with regex but using the attached patch works here 
> now with the different logfile syntax:
>> [07-May-2013 08:03:24] PHP Warning: foo.bar
>> [07-May-2013 08:03:24 Europe/Berlin] PHP Warning: foo.bar
>> [07-May-2013 08:03:24 UTC] PHP Warning: foo.bar

Do you know why PHP formats the time in different formats?

I've modified the patch slightly because the regex can be formatted more
compact. Please test again.

diff --git a/scripts/services/php b/scripts/services/php
index adc0147..a8574cd 100644
--- a/scripts/services/php
+++ b/scripts/services/php
@@ -62,7 +62,9 @@ pop(@message_categories) if $detail < 5;
 while(<>) {
     my $line = $_;
     # skipping messages that are not within the requested range
-    next unless $line =~ /^\[($filter)\]/o;
+    # the last part of the regex matches optionally occurring specification
+    # of timezones either in Continent/City or abbrevations like UTC
+    next unless $line =~ /^\[($filter)(?: \w+(?:\/\w+)?)?\]/o;
     $1 =~ /(\d+)-(\w+)-(\d+) (\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/;
     my $time;

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