Package: gitweb
Version: 1:

At present, gitweb expects to find the repositories in /var/cache/git
by default.  However, as the FHS specifies:

  /var/cache is intended for cached data from applications. Such data
  is locally generated as a result of time-consuming I/O or
  calculation. The application must be able to regenerate or restore
  the data. Unlike /var/spool, the cached files can be deleted without
  data loss. The data must remain valid between invocations of the
  application and rebooting the system.

  Files located under /var/cache may be expired in an application
  specific manner, by the system administrator, or both. The
  application must always be able to recover from manual deletion of
  these files (generally because of a disk space shortage). No other
  requirements are made on the data format of the cache directories.

This is very different from git, which expects its data to be
preserved, and for which deletion of the data would certainly lead to
data loss.

Having this as the default could lead to situations in which data is
lost, if sysadmins are not careful.

The obvious alternatives are /var/lib/git or /srv/git, which are both
designed for data.  My preference is for /srv/git, as the git data is
not so much state information as it is user data.


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