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Hi Luc, and thanks for your bugreport,

Le dimanche, 5 mai 2013 21.52:37, Luc Castermans a écrit :
> After a normal upgrade of Wheezy I could not print anymore from a
> CUPS client to the CUPS server. On the server I found below
> entry in /var/log/cups/error_log
> E [05/May/2013:08:28:43 +0200] Failed to add Avahi entry for HP LaserJet
> 1320 @ emael: -8
> E [05/May/2013:08:28:43 +0200] Failed to update TXT
> record for HP LaserJet 1320 @ emael: -2
> E [05/May/2013:08:28:43 +0200]
> Failed to add Avahi entry for HP LaserJet 1320 @ emael: -8
> What I did to fix it?
> Install avahi-discover on the client and run it as normal user.

Was avahi-daemon installed (it is "Recommended" by cups) and running?

Avahi is needed in a way or another for automated printers discovery and 
bonjour-based printer queues.

Thanks in advance,


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