
the relevant option in the configuration file is the following:

 DefaultDistro "";

Synaptic 0.80 does respect this option if it is set manually in
the configuration file before starting it.

It always always resets it to an empty string as soon as you try
to change the value through Synaptic's GUI.

So there is a (rather annoying) workaround:

0) Do NOT change the value from inside Synaptic, only use the
drop-down-box to view the valid options (dependent on your

1) Exit from Synaptic.

2) Edit ".synaptic/synaptic.conf" with your preferred text editor,
changing "DefaultDistro" to the desired value, for example:

  DefaultDistro "wheezy-backports";

3) Start Synaptic, it will then use the new value, as long as you
don't attempt to save changes in the configuration from the GUI.

Regards, Christoph

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