On Thu, Oct 27, 2005 at 07:30:56AM +0200, Ola Lundqvist wrote:
| On Wed, Oct 26, 2005 at 01:32:03PM -0400, Derrick Hudson wrote:
| > Package: horde3
| > Version: 3.0.5-3
| > Severity: normal
| > 
| > Background informaiton:
| >     Today I finished configuring horde3 by actually setting up the
| >     database and changing the authentication so every client was not
| >     automatically 'Administrator''.  In doing so, I ran into a problem
| >     trying to create a user.  PHP claimed that the function
| >     mhash_keygen_s2k, used in lib/Horde/Auth.php, was undefined.  This
| >     stumped me for a while because none of the not-installed
| >     Recommends and Suggests appeared relevant and a search indicated
| >     that it was part of the php core.  Eventually I found the
| >     php4-mhash package and installing that resolved my issue.
| > 
| > Solution :
| >     Please add php4-mhash to the Recommends: or Suggests: parameters
| >     of horde3.  It does not need to be in the Depends: because not
| >     everyone will use horde3 to manage user accounts.
| Ok, thanks I'll do that. It will be in suggests.

Cool.  You're welcome.

| What authentication method did you use?

ssha.  smd5 would have the same problem.  Before I found the mhash
package I changed my configuration to crypt-blowfish because it didn't
use that function.

I'm not a php programmer, but it looks like that function is only used
when using horde to create a password and it needs to choose a salt.
The dependency is from the getSalt() function on line 299 of


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    Who can understand it?
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to reward a man according to his conduct,
    according to what his deeds deserve.
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