Control: tags -1 +patch +upstream

Hi Cédric, hi Nagios maintainers,

Le jeudi, 30 mai 2013 09.29:54, Cédric Jeanneret a écrit :
> I just installed the latest nagios3* on a debian Wheezy, and stumbled
> on a bad bug: the scheduled downtime event aren't kept when a restart or
> reload occurs.
> (…)
> After some researches, I stumbled on this nagios resolved bug:
> It seems there's a patch available since October 2012 on the SVN:
> "Fixed in svn with the supplied patch and will ship with the first
> version after 3.4.1" - it may be good to have a look at 3.4.2 (or
> something like that), as a major feature is currently broken.

The dpatch'ed backport of the (git-)svn commit from upstream is attached.

I have built nagios3-core targetted at stable with the above patch (debdiff 
attached), the built files are available there:

Cédric; it would be useful if you could test these.



Attachment: 999_daemon-downtime-Handle-loading-effective-downtime-fr.dpatch
Description: application/shellscript

diff -u nagios3-3.4.1/debian/changelog nagios3-3.4.1/debian/changelog
--- nagios3-3.4.1/debian/changelog
+++ nagios3-3.4.1/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+nagios3 (3.4.1-3+deb7u1~710356) stable; urgency=low
+  * Non-maintainer upload.
+  * Backport upstream r1953 to fix downtime retention across restarts
+    (Closes: #710356)
+ -- Didier Raboud <>  Thu, 30 May 2013 10:22:45 +0200
 nagios3 (3.4.1-3) unstable; urgency=low
   * Fix several overflows in getcgi.cgi and history.cgi
diff -u nagios3-3.4.1/debian/patches/00list nagios3-3.4.1/debian/patches/00list
--- nagios3-3.4.1/debian/patches/00list
+++ nagios3-3.4.1/debian/patches/00list
@@ -11,0 +12 @@
only in patch2:
--- nagios3-3.4.1.orig/debian/patches/999_daemon-downtime-Handle-loading-effective-downtime-fr.dpatch
+++ nagios3-3.4.1/debian/patches/999_daemon-downtime-Handle-loading-effective-downtime-fr.dpatch
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
+## daemon downtime: Handle loading effective downtime from retention
+## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: From 9f18395268dda948265722984097735d48d72197 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+## DP: From: Andreas Ericsson <>
+## DP: Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2012 09:38:06 +0000
+## DP: Subject: [PATCH] daemon downtime: Handle loading effective downtime from
+## DP:  retention
+## DP: 
+## DP: Without this patch, Nagios would forget about downtime that starts
+## DP: before the core is stopped and ends after the core is restarted.
+## DP: 
+## DP: According to testers, the original problem with notifications being
+## DP: re-sent does not crop up again when this patch is applied.
+## DP: 
+## DP: Tested-by: Mark Elsen <>
+## DP: Tested-by: Phil Randal <>
+## DP: Patched-by: Carlos Velasco <>
+## DP: Signed-off-by: Andreas Ericsson <>
+## DP: 
+## DP: git-svn-id: 5f96b256-904b-4d8d-8c98-d829582c6739
+## DP: ---
+## DP:  THANKS            |  1 +
+## DP:  common/downtime.c | 31 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
+## DP:  2 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/THANKS b/THANKS
+index d2f759a..b7c666e 100644
+--- a/THANKS
++++ b/THANKS
+@@ -277,6 +277,7 @@ since 1999.  If I missed your name, let me know.
+ * Nikola Vassilev
+ * Esteban Manchado Velazquez
+ * Geert Vanderkelen
++* Carlos Velasco
+ * Jan Vejvalka
+ * Robert August Vincent II
+ * Dave Viner
+diff --git a/common/downtime.c b/common/downtime.c
+index 09a0333..0193c50 100644
+--- a/common/downtime.c
++++ b/common/downtime.c
+@@ -401,11 +401,34 @@ int handle_scheduled_downtime(scheduled_downtime *temp_downtime) {
+ 		}
+ 	/* if downtime handler gets triggerd in between then there seems to be a restart */
+-	/* Don't do anything just return */
+-	time( &current_time);
+-	if( temp_downtime->start_time < current_time && current_time < temp_downtime->end_time && temp_downtime->is_in_effect == TRUE)
+-		return OK;
++	time(&current_time);
++	if(temp_downtime->start_time < current_time && current_time < temp_downtime->end_time && temp_downtime->is_in_effect == TRUE) {
++		/* send data to event broker */
++		broker_downtime_data(NEBTYPE_DOWNTIME_START, NEBFLAG_NONE, NEBATTR_NONE, temp_downtime->type, temp_downtime->host_name, temp_downtime->service_description, temp_downtime->entry_time, temp_downtime->author, temp_downtime->comment, temp_downtime->start_time, temp_downtime->end_time, temp_downtime->fixed, temp_downtime->triggered_by, temp_downtime->duration, temp_downtime->downtime_id, NULL);
++		/* increment the downtime depth variable */
++		if(temp_downtime->type == HOST_DOWNTIME) {
++			hst->scheduled_downtime_depth++;
++			update_host_status(hst, FALSE);
++			}
++		else {
++			svc->scheduled_downtime_depth++;
++			update_service_status(svc, FALSE);
++			}
++		/* schedule an event */
++		if(temp_downtime->fixed == FALSE)
++			event_time = (time_t)((unsigned long)time(NULL) + temp_downtime->duration);
++		else
++			event_time = temp_downtime->end_time;
++		if((new_downtime_id = (unsigned long *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned long)))) {
++			*new_downtime_id = temp_downtime->downtime_id;
++			schedule_new_event(EVENT_SCHEDULED_DOWNTIME, TRUE, event_time, FALSE, 0, NULL, FALSE, (void *)new_downtime_id, NULL, 0);
++			}
++		return OK;
++		}
+ 	/* have we come to the end of the scheduled downtime? */
+ 	if(temp_downtime->is_in_effect == TRUE) {

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