Control: retitle -1 RFP: zotero-dataserver -- dataserver for the zotero client

[Please keep the bug in CC.]

On 2013-05-29 16:25:15, westlake wrote:
> From the way I understand it, there's a remote server that can be used from
>  1) or 2) dataserver (github)
> I have no idea how stable the server is for the dataserver from
> github, but I'll be finding out..
> ---
> To distract any confusion.. and to separate the above 1) and 2),
> there's a #3
> 3)There's also somewhat of a non-remote server (pseudo).. The
> "plugin" for Firefox does what the "standalone" does.
> There is a warning in the documents online that the "standalone"
> should not be used with the Firefox's plugin.. especially since this
> plugin can be in a mode called httpserver (it can only be set with
> it's about:config advanced settings)(
> ).. To my
> understanding this httpserver listens on localhost only
> ..
> #3 The httpserver is run from Firefox and allows another
> browser('connector' plugin) such as Chrome's zotero plugin to
> connect to the Zotero store inside Firefox.
> In this scenario, two webbrowsers are used if someone wants to use
> their Favorite browser being 'Chrome', but doesn't want to use the
> standalone app.
> This seems a bit ridiculous, but I think the reason for this is
> because this tools seems to be targetting University campus machines
> where not all users can run their own standalone app.
> The zotero 'datastore' for the Firefox plugin is within the .mozilla
> folder of a user. If one installs the plugin for Firefox after
> having used the standalone app, then when Firefox is started up the
> first time with its zotero plugin, it offers to import data from the
> standalone ~/.zotero location.
> The micro httpserver here is not a sync server, but is just a local
> datastore
> ..
> It's a bit of mumbojumbo, but the idea of a "server" to sync with
> would deal with 1) or 2).. The 3) though saying there's an
> httpserver enabling possible, is not a sync server but just for a
> localhost connector on the same desktop
> --
> Substracting #3 and completely ignoring this micro "httpserver"..
> The bundling of the dataserver(2) is a great idea, I'd be interested
> in trying that out :)
> According to a user from the googlegroups, he's documented work for
> the dataserver on debian wheezy
> According to Flittner's googlegroups's post, the client's .js (I'm
> guessing this applies to either the standalone app or chrome's
> connector plugin) there's the REPOSITORY_URL which can be changed.
> I've seen old documentation of having to use an ugly workaround
> using /etc/hosts .. If it's too much trouble, I guess you can
> probably just leave the dataserver as a -dev package..
> I would be happy enough to have the 'standalone' app being able to
> perform a sync. (I believe it's possible for the Chrome plugin to
> instantiate a sync on the standalone app's behalf.. but this plugin
> would need to be re-edited in order to do this.  The firefox plugin
> keeps it's own datastore within the .mozilla folder. The Firefox
> plugin and the standalone app are exact replicas including their
> 'sync' configuration tab. So it's possible for zotero in Firefox to
> be used with a 2), but it too would need to be edited because it's
> always pointing to 1), the server for the sync.
> The zotero dataserver looks comprehensibly possible, but it looks
> like it can take some time. Flittner did a great job documenting his
> work which should really accerelate this process (It looks like it
> needs php, perl, and mysql.. I believe it's possible to use it with
> other database engines)
> It's up to you if you'd like to modify or provide something so that
> the zotero plugins can work with 2)..
> Thanks for picking up the request! :)

Sorry, I should have made myself clear and said that I'm not particularly
interested in zotero. I just wanted to clarify the nature of the request
as the standalone app and the plugin are already packaged.

As I understand it, it would be nice to have the zotero dataserver
packaged so one can use zotero independent of the server. So
let's retitle the bug to make it clear it's about the dataserver.
Hopefully someone picks up the request. You may want to talk to the
maintainers of xul-ext-zotero and zotero-standalone and check if they
are interested in it.

Sebastian Ramacher

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