tags 336162 + unreproducible moreinfo

Romain Chantereau wrote:
> Package: eiciel
> Version: 0.8.4-1
> Severity: important
> I have mounted my filesystems with the acl option.
> Eiciel work as standalone apps, when invoked with the "eiciel" command.
> But when I want to see file or directory properties with nautilus, it crashes.
> When eiciel is not install, nautilus does not crash.
> When eiciel is installed and acl is not enabled, nautilus does not crash.

Hi Romain,

unfortunately I cannot reproduce/confirm your bug here.
Please send me more information (filesystem, mount flags etc).
If you start nautilus from a terminal does it produce error messages
when it crashes? If so please send me this output.
In addition you could try this [1] package which has debugging support
enabled and run it(nautilus) in gdb/ddd. Before you install eiciel-dbg
please deinstall eiciel.


[1] http://www.teco.edu/~biebl/debian/eiciel-dbg_0.8.4-2_i386.deb
WWW: http://www.teco.edu/

TecO (Telecooperation Office) Vincenz-Priessnitz-Str.1
University of Karlsruhe 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany

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