On Mon, May  6, 2013 at 23:01:39 +0200, Paul Gevers wrote:

> We have not started talking to the maintainers of packages depending on
> lesstif2 (other than a message to d-devel [1]), as I wanted to have the
> way clear before that. Graham Inggs has tested building all the reverse
> dependencies [2], though.
> So my question basically is, what would be the most appropriate order to
> do things?
> My proposal would be (with your approval) to just get motif into
> unstable/main and start converting the dependencies with the help of
> their maintainers (the libraries can coexist). Because the -dev package
> name has to change all build dependencies would have to get a
> source-full update. I would have liked to stage everything in
> experimental, but due to this (quoted from ftp-master) nasty dak bug,
> that would leave unstable (non-free) without (open-)motif.
Do we know how many of the lesstif2 reverse dependencies are libraries
whose ABI would change if rebuilt with motif instead?


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