Hi Daniel,

I'm not maintaining the software you're having issues with. I'm merely playing 
janitor for rc bugs said to be affecting wheezy. So out of 273 of those, I 
moved 140 away, so that people trying to actually fix bugs in wheezy have a 
much better list to look at. Out of those 140 moved away there was one leading 
to some discussion... 

http://udd.debian.org/bugs.cgi?release=wheezy&rc=1 in case you are interested.

On Dienstag, 4. Juni 2013, Daniel Pocock wrote:
> > thats a gnome desktop?
> Yes, it is a default gnome desktop (I log in with Gnome classic)

> > I agree but I thats wishlist or so.
> If it is a "wishlist" item, why did you just close it without any
> correspondence with the bug reporter rather than simply changing priority?

because I mostly thought "WOW" about the ridiculousness of the severity and 
labeling a feature a bug. This blew me away, literally, so that only after a 
while I could see some wishlist value in the bug. 

Also, *you* could also equally reopen, retitle and reassign the bug.

But then, please see http://blog.liw.fi/posts/wishlist-bugs/ ... 

> Popups spontaneously asking for the root password in order to make
> unidentified changes to the system?  If users start putting in their
> root password for random popups, it undermines the whole concept of UNIX
> security.   It won't be long before some phishing attack is developed
> that produces a Javascript popup resembling the root packagekit popup.
> I saw this again on a desktop today, it was completely spontaneous and
> wasn't triggered by the connection of a USB device as it is on the laptop.
> You haven't provided any evidence that this is in fact a feature - is it
> being tracked upstream or elsewhere?

Frankly, I have no idea. I remember 
and http://people.skolelinux.org/pere/blog/tags/isenkram/ 

And there is http://wiki.debian.org/HardwareAutodetection
> I attach a screenshot of the offending popup.

There you have it: packagekit, systemupdate. It runs apt-get update + apt-get 
upgrade for you. So there has been a DSA (when then popup came even though you 
plugged nothing into the desktop). Business as usual, a sensible default. If 
you dont like it, "apt-get remove gnome" is one choice, there are others. Pick 
yours. debian-users@l.d.o is a suitable forum for this, I believe.


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