On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 5:12 PM, Jérémy Lal <kapo...@melix.org> wrote:

>  > Well, it's probably just a matter of taste. I found it easier to
> > strip the embedded libraries than to cherry-pick all the scattered
> > licenses and gather them up in the debian/copyright. It's also much
> > easier on our ftp-masters to review less sources.
> If it was a master of taste i would do the same as you, get rid of
> convenience copies.
> The idea behind the links i gave above is to refrain people from repacking
> on
> personal taste; and distribute *original* upstream tarballs.
> Of course, once there is a good reason to do repack (typically dfsg) then
> you can remove
> embedded convenience copies as well. But you might as well not exclude
> them.

Well, there was no upstream tarball anyway, I did create one from git (git
archive), so basically no-repacking has happened here.

> Slightly unrelated : the version libsearpc 1.1.0+dfsg is misleading since
> there is no DFSG involved in this repacking.

True, but it was so convenient :). Please suggest a better name, or let's
cross-fingers and let's hope our upstream friends will release 1.1.1
without bundled json-glib library (pretty please).

Anyway the current status of seafile packages:

+ asked upstream to grant OpenSSL exception)
 http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=collab-maint/ccnet.git;a=summary (WIP
and needs some more licensing love[*])

* - E: libccnet0: possible-gpl-code-linked-with-openssl & E: ccnet-bin:

Shuai, please add OpenSSL exception to the license (if you are going to
keep GPL-3 and not MIT) as suggested here:


Ondřej Surý <ond...@sury.org>

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