Control: tag -1 +confirmed , severity -1 minor , reassign -1


On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 07:28:54PM +0100, Benjamin Cama wrote:
> I don't really know where to file that; please reassign if I'm wrong.

If this is specific to one mirror, it's a mirroring bug, else it's a bug
> I recently downloaded the debian-installer netboot archive at
> which is the GTK version of the netboot installer (this bug doesn't
> affect the text version).
> I noticed, after unpacking it and checking for the sums, hoping that
> they will be the same as if I downloaded all the files individually,
> that they all validate except one: the initrd.gz for this installer. (I
> checked the sum of the .tar.gz itself, and it's OK).
> The sums are, e.g., here:
> When getting directly the initrd.gz from
> I correctly get
> f8971317915ed2ce8358b24ca88ea95c75ebe97a1e0a95f60c7977da368b3352
> But when extracting it from the archive, I get
> c2103b9533baa88814e770b493e5ba93f3043f3d73ce6e018addcd7c84b22cd4
> By looking closer, the uncompressed initrd from both files is the same.
> Only the date (from the gzip header) differs by a couple of seconds. And
> this only happens for the GTK installer, not the text one, once again…
> Furthermore, I also realized that Ubuntu is affected, too (!); the sum
> for the GTK installer of Precise Pangolin has the same problem.
> There must be a small packaging bug somewhere…

In order to reproduce this:

cp -a gtk gtk.check
cd gtk.check; rm -r debian-installer pxelinux*
tar xf netboot.tar.gz
vimdiff <(cd gtk/ && find -type f -exec sha256sum '{}' \;) <(cd gtk.check && 
find -type f -exec sha256sum '{}' \;)

--> we can confirm ./debian-installer/amd64/initrd.gz has a different sum once 

Simon Paillard

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