On gio, giu 06, 2013 at 03:26:15 +0200, Olivier Hervieu wrote:
> Package: curl
> Version: 7.26.0-1+wheezy2
> Severity: normal
> Dear Maintainer,
> Getting, listing or sending files on a FTP that does not support EPSV mode 
> over a SOCKS proxy no longer works under Debian 7.
> Exemple of incriminated command:                
> curl -k --disable-epsv --socks4 proxy:port --user user:password 
> ftp://ftp.example.org/
> I try to install via apt-pinning both oldstable and testing version of curl 
> and libcurl packages. 
> In both case (and surprisingly for oldstable because it works under Debian 
> Squeeze), replacing
> curl and libcurl packages does not fix my issue.
> This issue seems to be reported in the curl bugtracker: 
> http://sourceforge.net/p/curl/bugs/1166/
> and should be fix in 7.30.x versions (version already in testing). As I said, 
> the problem seems to be always here, in Debian.

So, did you try with the current version in testing? If it works, would it work
for you if I made it available via the stable backports repository [0]?

[0] http://backports.debian.org/Instructions/

perl -E '$_=q;$/= @{[@_]};and s;\S+;<inidehG ordnasselA>;eg;say~~reverse'

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