On Wed, Sep 14, 2005 at 08:19:21PM +0900, Seo Sanghyeon wrote:
> With mozilla-dev 2:1.7.10-1, mozilla-{gtkmozembed,plugin,xpcom} does
> include -I/usr/include/mozilla in their CFLAGS output.
> I think mozilla-js shouldn't include -I/usr/include/mozilla, as this
> is intended for those only using Spidermonkey JS engine.
> Itai Seggev, you said "this means that many packages can't compile".
> What are them? Can you try again?

Sorry for the delayed response. I've tried them again (mainly the
mplayer plugin), and they seemm to be working. As I recall, it was
mozilla-plugin that was the culprit.


Itai Seggev, University of Mississippi, Department of Physics and Astronomy

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