
This a reply on http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=589304#80
Quoting Willem van den Akker:
> I tried to create a git repository on git.debian.org <pkg-jabberd2>
> in /git. But didnt had the permission for it.

What is the status for a jabber2d packaging repository at Alioth?

Things I'm asking for is "What is allready in place?"
and "What is needed?"

More steering on the wanted answer:
* Allready in place:
** Alioth accountname for Willem van den Akker
** That account is member of the XMPP group
* Still needed:
** Some one with the privilege to create the repository
   as describe at .....

An answer such as "repo meanwhile created" is also fine   ;-)

Geert Stappers
Alioth accountname: stappers
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