Le Sunday 30 October 2005 à 13:08:30, Thomas Degris a écrit:
> >- Can you try with pilot-link 0.12.0-pre4 available from Debian
> > experimental [1]?
> >
> It seems to work. So, can I use it for backing up my palm or do you 
> advise to use something else until 0.12.0 is available in unstable or 
> testing ?

pilot-link 0.12.0 is still in a "pre" state. You can use it if you have
no other choice and if it works for you. But be warned that it may
contain (important) bugs.

I will close this bug when pilot-link 0.12.0 (stable) enters unstable.


 Dr. Ludovic Rousseau                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 -- Normaliser Unix c'est comme pasteuriser le camembert, L.R. --

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