Here are some suggestions from #multiarch on so that we can go 
from +wontfix to +canfix:
<pehjota> I'm heading to bed soon, so I can't help much now. But I see the 
script; it's basically like a mini pkg-config. It prints 
"-I/usr/include/<target>" or "-L/usr/lib/<target> -lusb …".
<pehjota> One solution would be to make the script pull in a file in 
/usr/lib/<target> that defines the includedir and libdir (like pkg-config .pc 
files do).
<pehjota> Such a solution wouldn't be very invasive. (An alternative would be 
to make libusb just use pkg-config, which DTRT already.)
<stderr_dk> Can't libusb-dev:i386 depend on e.g. config-wrapper, have 
/usr/bin/libusb-config-i386 and make the hardlink as part of the install script?
<stderr_dk> And likewise for libusb-dev:amd64 and /usr/bin/libusb-config-amd64
<Arrowmaster> ah yeah i guess that way works, just one extra package for a 
universal script
<Arrowmaster> probably better to just making it a super generic script and have 
it included in the mulitarch package
<Arrowmaster> make it super generic so even things other than -dev packages can 
use it

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