On 07/07/2013 01:58 AM, Tatsuya Kinoshita wrote:
> If log files /tmp/elc.* exist, please show me.

There are several of these (but only two distinct ones --
for emacs23 and emacs24):

root@octane 138# cat elc.5ytbJrSCnHqL
emacs23 -q -no-site-file -batch -l __myinit.el -f batch-byte-compile alist.el 
apel-ver.el atype.el broken.el calist.el emu.el file-detect.el filename.el 
install.el inv-19.el inv-23.el invisible.el mcharset.el mcs-20.el mcs-e20.el 
mule-caesar.el path-util.el pccl-20.el pccl.el pces-20.el pces-e20.el pces.el 
pcustom.el poe.el poem-e20_3.el poem-e20.el poem.el product.el pym.el 
richtext.el static.el tinycustom.el
emacs23: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared 
object file: No such file or directory
root@octane 139# cat elc.FN8bYZJvv8I3
emacs24 -q -no-site-file -batch -l __myinit.el -f batch-byte-compile alist.el 
apel-ver.el atype.el broken.el calist.el emu.el file-detect.el filename.el 
install.el inv-19.el inv-23.el invisible.el mcharset.el mcs-20.el mcs-e20.el 
mule-caesar.el path-util.el pccl-20.el pccl.el pces-20.el pces-e20.el pces.el 
pcustom.el poe.el poem-e20_3.el poem-e20.el poem.el product.el pym.el 
richtext.el static.el tinycustom.el
emacs24: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared 
object file: No such file or directory
root@octane 140#

> Also, please show me the output of:
>   # apt-get install --reinstall apel
>   # ls -ltrd /usr/share/emacs24/site-lisp/*
>   # ls -latr /usr/share/emacs24/site-lisp/*
>   # ls -ltrd /tmp/elc.*
>   # apt-get install --reinstall emacs24-nox
>   # ls -ltrd /usr/share/emacs24/site-lisp/*
>   # ls -latr /usr/share/emacs24/site-lisp/*
>   # ls -ltrd /tmp/elc.*
> If the problem is reproducible on your system, I'll try to dig up a
> cause of the problem.

I have attached the log as apel-reinstall.log.xz

It appears that the problem was related to libGL.so.1.
And there are various other unrelated install problems.



Attachment: apel-reinstall.log.xz
Description: Binary data

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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