Package: debian-edu-config
Version: 1.700

In Squeeze, Debian Edu had a feature where it would set up the default
Iceweasel home page based on a URL fetched from LDAP.  This allowed
schools to set up their school home page as the default browser startup
page by only updating the labeledURI value in the
dc=skole,dc=skolelinux,dc=no LDAP object once in LDAP.  The code to do
this is in /usr/share/debian-edu-config/tools/update-iceweasel-homepage.
It will fetch the URL, store it in
/etc/iceweasel/ and divert the file
/usr/share/iceweasel/ to have the generated
configuration.  This feature is no longer working in Wheezy.

We should figure out how to set this up to work again in Wheezy.

I've found a recipe on
but when I try to follow it, nothing changes.

Anyone got a clue how to change the default home page for already
created users?  I suspect it involve creating a firefox extention (ie a
xpi file), but have no idea what its content should be.

Anyone know how Ubuntu or Fedora do this?

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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