No this is a bug. Why should interface renaming not work in virtual machines?

I have the same problem. For various reasons we have always renamed our 
network interfaces to e0, e1, etc, both in physical and virtual machines 
(kvm). What is wwrong with that?

/lib/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules explicitly ignores virtual 
machine interfaces, this is probably why you call it a feature, but I fail to 
understand the reason behind this.

Unfortunately it does not work just outcommenting the line with 52:54:00:*|
54:52:00:*, something else is working differently than in squeeze.

Strangely this exception was also there in squeeze, where it somehow worked 

Neither in squeeze or wheezy is the file regenerated by 'udevadm trigger', 
since 75-persistent-net-generator.rules only receives a "change" action which 
it ignores. Strange.

But in squeeze, the file is regenerated on boot if missing, not so in wheezy. I 
have no idea what causes it to be regenerated, or not.

Any pointers appreciated.


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