
I uploaded a new version to mentors:

libpar2 (0.4-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * New Upstream Release:
    - Soname bump due to ABI change
    - Doesn't fail to rename files with long names
    - Doesn't crash when given a directory to work with
    - Adds cancel support (Closes: #701904)
  * debian/control:
    - Rename library to libpar2-1 for soname change
    - Make dev-package unversioned to help future transitions
    - Standards version is 3.9.4
    - Use correct Vcs-* fields
    - Add Breaks/Replaces: libpar2-0-dev
  * debian/combat: Use dh combat level 9
  * debian/copyright: Update format field and copyright information
  * debian/*.install, debian/control: Convert library to multi-arch
  * debian/watch: Fix watchfile

 -- Andreas Moog <am...@ubuntu.com>  Sun, 21 Jul 2013 13:11:20 +0200

Any review would be appreciated.

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