Package: bugzilla3

I realise this package is not currently supported but I'm sharing this
problem (and how I solved it) because it is widely used.

bugzilla's reminder emails appeared to have corrupt encoding issues,
both subject line and body appear corrupt / mangled

Looking at the message source, I noticed UTF-8 used in the subject

My initial impression was the it was some bug in the encoding mechanism
or headers.  First I tried upgrading my database to UTF-8, this worked. 
I used the method:

2.   update /etc/bugzilla3/params, set utf8 = 1
4.   contrib/ --charset=cp1252

I noticed that after this, the email characters continue to appear in
some strange charset, but not the same corruption as before

I discovered upstream bug 723944 and tried the patch.  This did not
help, it made no improvement.

I started looking through the administration settings, I wanted to try
HTML emails (currently it is in plain text mode).  In the "Preferences"
page for all users/defaults, I discovered that the default language was
set to 'bg'.  Changing to 'en' fixed the issue.

The language 'bg' has never been in use on this system, so I have no
idea how it got into this state.  The oldest corrupted email I could
find is in 2011, when I upgraded the box to squeeze.  I don't recall if
I was having the problem under lenny (so maybe it broke during
upgrade).  I believe the system was originally set up under lenny.

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