control: tags -1 minor
control: reitlte -1 cups.conf: some settings will become deprecated someday

On Donnerstag, 1. August 2013, Mike Gabriel wrote:
> In the Debian cups package (squeeze: >= 1.4.4-7+squeeze2, wheezy: >=
> 1.5.3-2.7) the cupsd.conf file is split-up into two files: cupsd.conf
> and cups-files.conf (see CVE-2012-5519).
> The cups daemon informs via error_log that the SytemGroup option has
> to be removed from cupsd.conf (and moved to cups-files.conf) as this
> will become an error in future versions of CUPS.

so thats a warning present in wheezy+squeeze and we need to care about this 
for jessie?

> The question here is now: what does this mean for Debian Edu.

yeah, and why you make it an important(!) bug while you seem to have no idea 
what the impact is.

inflating bug severity is annoying, wrong + distracting. Please dont do it, it 
just wastes time.
> 1.
> At least, the SytemGroup line should be remove from debian-edu-config
> targeted for wheezy.

that warning sounds like a _minor_  bug to me.

> 2.
> Do we need to update the documentation somewhere?

no. from what you write here, I cannot see why.

> 3.
> Do we need to deploy an /etc/cups/cups-files-edu.conf file?

I'd rather hope not.


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