Ron <> wrote:

> So this needs to be resolved
> if there ever is anything that's to go in the distro that uses them.
> But while there isn't, it can also wait until more urgent things are
> completed too, and everything just settles down a bit in general and
> stops changing as rapidly as it currently is.

debian bug reports seems to lack a "this affects me too" link. I found the
above disheartening. Every person who uses jackd has had a broken package
since opus showed up and Celt was removed. In my opinion opus is broken
for not using a boundary based on binary that the whole computing world
uses. However, the standard has been set and we have to work with it. The
way to work with it is to allow an opus library that allows non-standard
usage. Low latency means different things to different people... for the
MP3 crowd opus is really low latency... for people using it for
performance it is just barely in the ball game. Adding buffering kills it
for that use (one of opus advertised uses I might add). Really, the jackd
developers know what they are talking about in this area, very few other
people, including those of us who use it, do. I know from experience what
it means, but the programing is beyond me... the last real time, low
latency, project I did was a hardware midi filter where I just had to deal
with one byte before the next arrived.

either jackd has to include a fixed version of opus inside. (which means
any other project with the same needs has to repeat the same work... what
happened to the reusable concept?)

or the shipped opus handles it... everyone wins.

normally the newcomer is fixed not the software that has been here for
years. To get the performance using opus as is, it seems to me every
application that uses jackd would need to be updated to use odd frame
sizes. However, just as with every other software area, there are a number
of jackd applications that while in daily use, are not maintained. We
would loose those as well.

So here I am waiting for opus in jackd. This bug affects me too. This
could be a fantastic tool for Broadcast Remote Content Transport. The only
tools available now are all sip client to pulse to jack with the very
noticeable delay that chain gives.

Len Ovens

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