Quoting Michael Schultheiss ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> tags 336794 upstream
> severity 336794 wishlist
> tags 336811 upstream
> severity 336811 wishlist
> kthxbye
> Christian Perrier wrote:
> > Please forward this to the upstream author along with this explanation.
> Daniel Nylander wrote:
> > Please forward this to the upstream author along with this explanation.
> I've notified gallery upstream and their response is available at
> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=8863025&forum_id=5400

"Ask for a reference to the documents which describe why this is a 
discouraged practice.  If there really is a cross-platform standard for 
this we should consider adhering to it."

Just look at /usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES and
/usr/share/locale/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES on any Unix system....

This is mostly a matter of intelligence rather than standards. There
is absolutely no reason to have different translations for
French/France, French/Canada, French/Belgium, etc.

This is true for barely all languages with a few exceptions, which I
listed in my original bug report.

For sure, the gettext system intelligently falls back in many
cases...but as a general consistency matter, it's way better to have
all translation files named only with the ISO-639 code.

Again, this is common practice, not a matter of standards. One can for
instance take all GNU programs as reference. All of them use
fr.po files and .mo files in fr/LC_MESSAGES...

Again, the only exception I know are widely accepted are pt_BR, zh_TW
and zh_CN.

And, sorry to disagree with your upstream, but I still consider this a

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