
On Wednesday 02 November 2005 09:04, Christian Perrier wrote:
> The attached patch documents the password preseeding, including the "new"
> ways to preseed passwords as of shadow 4.0.13-1, which is now in testing.


> I'm not very used to the writing style of the Installation Guide. This is
> why I did not commit the change immediately as it probably needs a review.

Looked good to me, besides this:

Three remarks about the 2nd paragraph: (quoted now for easier reference)

+<para condition="etch">
+The passwords can also be preseeded as MD5 <emphasis>hashes</emphasis>
+by using the <classname>passwd/root-password-crypted</classname> and
+<classname>passwd/user-password-crypted</classname> variables. Thihs
+method is considered slightly better in terms of security but not
+completely proof as well because physical access to a MD5 </para> hash
+allows for brute force attacks. Some people even consider this method
+can be less secure as it may give a false sense of security.

1. typo: Thihs 

2. s/Some people even consider this method can be less secure as it may give a 
false sense of security./Some people consider this method problematic as it 
may give a false sense of security./

Maybe its even sensible to write it even shorter: "This method is considered 
slightly better in terms of security but it might also give a false sense of 
security because physical access to a MD5 hash allows for brute force 

3. I believe the </para> after the 2nd MD5 is wrong.


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