On Fri, 16 Aug 2013 23:32:14 +0200 Francesco Poli wrote:

> On Fri, 16 Aug 2013 11:15:41 +0200 David Kalnischkies wrote:
> > So (just for the record), after discussing this a bit at DebConf it seems 
> > like
> > we could apply the attached patch to APT, which is hopefully fine for 
> > everyone.
> Hi David,
> thanks a lot for the updated patch.
> I am compiling the modified apt right now, in order to test it with an
> appropriately modified apt-listbugs...

Hi again David,
I tested the apt patch along with a modified apt-listbugs.
The communication between apt and apt-listbugs through a file
descriptor seems to indeed work as intended.

I would love to see your patch applied to apt.
Thanks a lot for your help!


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