Dear Mark,

On Thu, 22 Aug 2013 17:42:15 Mark Caglienzi wrote:
> sometimes when I launch quiterss, it downloads articles that I have already
> read. I keep it running all day long, and the same happens sometimes during
> normal use of the program.
> I wasn't able to understand what is the cause that triggers this behaviour.

QuiteRSS always downloads the whole feed with all messages in it so I
doubt if there is anything we can do about it here. From what I
understand this problem could happen when RSS feed (which is just an
XML file) is re-generated with any changes to items that you already
marked as read.

I'm aware of some feeds where every update changes subject (or body)
of the message so there is no way `quiterss` could identify them as
identical to the very similar (but not exactly the same) messages that
were previously read. Unfortunately all messages in such feeds always
appears as new/unread but that an indication of bug(s) in RSS
generation, not in `quiterss`.

Please feel free to discuss directly to upstream as we're unlikely to
change such behaviour here.

Also please advise if this bug could be closed. Thanks.

 Dmitry Smirnov
 GPG key : 4096R/53968D1B


"We must respect the other fellow's religion, but only in the sense and
to the extent that we respect his theory that his wife is beautiful and
his children smart.
        -- H. L. Mencken

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