Package: lapack
Version: 3.4.2+dfsg-1
Severity: wishlist

The lapack build uses dpkg-buildflags --get LDFLAGS to obtain the LDFLAGS.
This can include -Bsymbolic-functions in some distributions (e.g. ubuntu, but not debian). The use of -Bsymbolic-functions to create binds the xerblas_ implementation to the one provided in lapack itself. This is very problematic as the lapack xerblas_ aborts the process on invalid parameters. User programs must have the option to override this error handler with their own code.

To fix this to work on all derivatives and in case of a debian default change please adapt the build do handle it. There are two options, either strip the variable from dpkg-buildflags output (DEB_LDFLAGS_STRIP) or keep it in and provide ld with a list of functions to not bind to the library with --dynamic-list:

$ cat lapack.dym
# or LAPACKE_xerblas;

§ gcc -shared ... -Bsymoblic-functions --dynamic-list=lapack.dym

To test it use attached c file (linked against liblapacke) which should print the overrided xerblas. This could be used as an autopkgtest so derivatives are notified of the issue when they change their dpkg defaults.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <lapacke.h>
void LAPACKE_xerbla( const char *name, lapack_int info )
    if( info < 0 ) { 
        printf( "override %d in %s\n", -(int) info, name );

int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
   double a[5][3] = {1,1,1,2,3,4,3,5,2,4,2,5,5,4,3};
   double b[5][2] = {-10,-3,12,14,14,12,16,16,18,16};
   lapack_int info,m,n,lda,ldb,nrhs;
   int i,j;

   m = 5;
   n = 9;
   nrhs = 2;
   lda = 3;
   ldb = 2;

   info = LAPACKE_dgels(LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR,'N',m,n,nrhs,*a,lda,*b,ldb);
printf("%d\n", info);

         printf("%lf ",b[i][j]);

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