On 09/16/2013 09:37 AM, Antoine Beaupré wrote:
>>  * sure, i'd like the non-local-MTA to be selected in the preferences pane.
> Will be done.

sweet, thanks :)

>>  * i'd like it to not silently fail if it tries to use
>> /usr/sbin/sendmail and that path doesn't exist. (i don't consider
>> writing to stderr to be sufficiently noisy for a gui program) -- maybe
>> if it can't find sendmail, it could open the preferences pane and
>> encourage configuration of the settings
> Of course. In general, error handling in the GUI is absolutely
> abysmal. Exceptions are not handled *at all*, even those that are
> supposed to be user-targeted (GpgRuntimeError).

right, that makes sense.

>>  * i'd like it to use thunderbird's autoconf to pre-populate the mail
>> server settings if the user has no local MTA
> That I have no clue how it works, so I will accept a patch but will not
> implement this on my own as I don't use thunderbird (or rarely) and
> certainly not the autoconf stuff.

when i get a couple of spare hours i'll look into implementing this --
the goal is not to use thunderbird itself, but to use the e-mail sending
autoconfiguration infrastructure that they're encouraging mail providers
to offer.  Basically, each mail provider can offer (via https,
preferably) an XML file that contains MUA configuration information for
people whose accounts are within that domain.  this way the end user
isn't expected to look up arcane configuration details.

It's also used by evolution, kmail, and kontact, so it appears to be an
effectively-implementable standard for other MUAs.

I haven't found a python module for doing this automatically yet,
unfortunately, but it shouldn't be too bad to get a first pass at it.


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