Hello again,

I took a few minutes to minimize my own example of unreadable pdf.
I ended with a quite bare test.tex:

Bla Bla Bla

Please find attached this file, plus the corresponding test.ps
obtained via "latex test && dvips test.dvi" and the test.pdf produced
by "ps2pdf test.ps".

As previously, evince doesn't display correctly the text of this test.pdf:
you only see a few (bottom?) black pixels for each letter. With xpdf the display
is ok, but with warnings about "Bad bounding box in Type 3 glyph".

This definitively looks like a font issue, since without the
"\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}" line the display is back to normal.

Best regards,



Bla Bla Bla

Attachment: test.ps
Description: PostScript document

Attachment: test.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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