Detlev Zundel <> writes:

> Package: icedove
> Version: 10.0.12-1
> Severity: important
> Icedove fails to start up at all after a system upgrade to Jessie:
> [dzu@deepthought ~][0]$ icedove
> (process:28515): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion
> sys_page_size == 0' failed
> [dzu@deepthought ~][0]$
> Doing a websearch it seems to indicate this to be connected to glib alas
> there is no other version in Jessie or unstable to try.
> A proposed workaround of exporting "G_SLICE=always-malloc" also doesn't help.
> The problem is also present with icedove 17.0.8-1 from unstable.

I cannot reproduce this anymore after a system reboot, so the bug can be
closed.  Icedove from testing and unstable work again.

Sorry for the noise.

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