Luca Falavigna <> writes:

> I'm unable to reproduce this issue.
> Could you please attach a screenshot of it?

Attached below. That's on my wife's account; on my own account it came
out slightly smaller, so that with both menu bars I can just see the top
of the buttons.

The difference is the font settings: on my wife's account the default
font is set to Cantarell, 11 points instead of 10. And that makes the
dialog higher!

Screenshot: Please notice the bottom end, where the buttons are hidden
behind the bottom menu bar (I've got menu bars at the top and at the
bottom, auto-hide turned off). The print dialog can't be moved up any
further, or resized. After auto-hiding one menu bar I can see the top
half of the preview/cancel/print buttons (but not read which is which),
after auto-hiding both the buttons appear.

<<attachment: image/png>>

Best regards,

Jeroen Nijhof

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