On mer., 2013-10-09 at 10:50 +0200, Emilio Pozuelo Monfort wrote:
> On 09/10/13 10:29, Per Olofsson wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > On Tue, Oct 08, 2013 at 23:54 +0200, Michael Biebl wrote:
> >> Both recommends are there for a reason. gnome-bluetooth relies heavily
> >> on gnome-control-center when you try to pair / manage devices and
> >> network-manager-applet relies on gnome-bluetooth for DUN and PAN
> >> connections. So no, I don't see those recommends go away.
> > 
> > According to policy, "The Recommends field should list packages that
> > would be found together with this one in all but unusual
> > installations".
> > 
> > Is it really unusual to use Network Manager without bluetooth? Doesn't
> > most people use Network Manager to connect to wifi and ethernet?
> So what? This is just a recommends, you can install NM without gnome-bluetooth
> if you so desire. But in the general case, we want users to also get PAN/DUN
> support, so recommends is very appropriate.

This is not the general case. This is the installation, where the tasks
maintainers have selected a package set which fits a specific intent. In
Xfce case, we're ok to have network-manager, we then accept
network-manager-gnome because there's no other GTK+ NM client than
nm-applet, but that's all. We don't really need gnome-bluetooth
(although I think we'd be fine with it) and we definitely don't need
gnome-control-center. Also, I have no idea how well behaved
gnome-bluetooth is when not running under GNOME.
> I have dropped the gnome-session recommends from gnome-control-center, isn't
> that enough to stop all of gnome from being installed when xfce is selected in
> tasksel?

No, see above.


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