On Tue, 15 Oct 2013 20:58:31 -0300 Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

> On Wednesday 16 October 2013 00:39:51 Francesco Poli wrote:
> > Control: severity -1 wishlist
> > Control: found -1 apt-listbugs/0.0.1
> > Control: tags -1 + moreinfo
> Yup, should have been wishlist from starters, my bad on that one.

No hay problema, it was easy enough to fix!  ;-)

> > I wasn't aware of the existence of this APT configuration option...
> > I see from apt changelog that it is present in unstable since
> > apt/0.8.0, but I fail to find where it is documented...
> > The apt.conf(5) man page does not seem to talk about it!
> > 
> > Could you please tell me where I can find an explanation of this option
> > and its use?
> IIRC, it's undocumented :-(

Mmmmh, to be frank, I am a bit hesitant about implementing support for
an undocumented APT configuration option...
Maybe we should first wait for this option to be (stabilized and)
properly documented: please file a bug report against package apt to
request the addition of a suitable section to the apt.conf(5) man page,
if you feel like it.

> > Please let me understand: what do you need to do in your network in
> > order to access http://bugs.debian.org, for instance with a web browser?
> > Do you need to go through a proxy? Or can you also access it directly?
> > Which proxy do you need to use, if any? Not acng, I suppose...
> > Is this proxy auto-detected somehow? How?
> Manually configure http://proxy.example.com:8080/. Interestingly enough 
> specifying acng before calling apt-get/aptitude will work. Possibly acng 
> detects that the request is not for a package and delivers it to the main 
> proxy, which it also has configured.

This means that apt-listbugs could use the acng proxy, if it knew about
the ProxyAutoDetect option.
But also that apt-listbugs may well use the main proxy, just like your
web browsers have to do.
Is this correct?

Please note that you can set the Acquire::HTTP::Proxy::bugs.debian.org
option in order to specify a proxy to be used by apt-listbugs.
Is that enough to solve your issue?
If I understand correctly, you have to manually set the main proxy for
web browsers anyway: how is that different from setting it manually for
Are you just trying to reduce the number of manual settings for a box
that switches from a network to another with different proxies?

On Wed, 16 Oct 2013 12:49:54 -0300 Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

> Please note that even passing LANG=C apt-listbug messages are kept in 
> es_AR.UTF-8

Did you try with LC_ALL=C ?
Maybe you have LC_ALL=es_AR.UTF-8 and that takes precedence over LANG,
if I recall correctly (I don't remember whether this is a bug or a
feature!). Unsetting LC_ALL and then setting LANG=C should also work...
Aaargh! What a mess! Where is all this documented?!?

Anyway, no need to re-send the debug output: the tests you documented
in your latest message are perfectly clear and seem to confirm that
apt-listbugs is able to work both through your main proxy and through
your acng proxy.
We just have to figure out the best way for you to tell apt-listbugs to
use one of the two proxies...

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