Seem like I totally forgot about this package!

Any progress here? Any way I can help?


On 2012-09-28 10:57:12, Antoine Beaupré wrote:
> On 2012-09-28, Stefan Fiel wrote:
>> Hi,
>> yes, you were right i was dealing with the hardening-no-relro warning
>> if you just check out the svn (0.4.0 or trunk), debuild -us -uc then i 
>> get no warning or error from lentian (also when building this dsc with 
>> pbuilder).  Don't know if this is a good way of checking packages.
> It's a great way!
> I still believe the fixes I suggested need to be applied if they haven't
> been yet.
>> currently i don't use svn-buildpackage, wasn't aware of its existence 
>> when starting to make the first package for ubuntu :) Since we are 
>> planing to move to git in the next weeks/month I have not tried it with 
>> this.
> That's great! In this case I encourage you to take a look at
> git-buildpackage. :)
> A.
> PS: regarding native vs non-native package, what I often do is that I
> maintain a different repository for the debian meta-data. For example,
> even though I am a maintainer in the Drush project, I chose to split out
> the debian directory in a separate git repository because:
>  a) it allows non-drush people to maintain the package
>  b) it makes it possible to maintain different *branches* for the
>  package (say stable and dev) and merge packaging changes between them
>  *without* merging stable in the upstream source code
>  c) it makes it easier for Ubuntu or other non-Debian people to make
>  changes to the package
> See the drush package here:
> It also uses git-buildpackage.
> -- 
> Si Dieu existe, j'espère qu'Il a une excuse valable
>                         - Daniel Pennac

There has been only one Christian.
They caught him and crucified him -- early.
                        - Mark Twain

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