Package: gmusicbrowser
Version: 1.1.10-2
Severity: wishlist
Tags: patch

I've already reported this as a followup to bug #720760, but since
that has been marked "fixed" without correcting any of the problems I
pointed out I suppose I'd better give it its own bug number.  (I only
count package description nitpicks like this as "wishlist", though.)


To repeat my review in abbreviated form:

> Description: graphic jukebox for large collections of mp3/ogg/flac/mpc files

 * Word choice: you mean "graphical", not "graphic".
 * There's no need to list all the file formats here.
 * (And they shouldn't be all-lowercase anyway.)
 * Saying that the collection is made up of files is also redundant.

>  gmusicbrowser is a powerful graphic browser which supports libraries with
>  a great number of songs (>10,000)

 * Word choice: the number is "large", not "great".
 * Use words ("above"), not mathematical notation (">").
 * Missing final punctuation.

>  .
>  It can use multiple inputs and plays MP3, OGG and flac files; it also 
> supports

 * This list of file formats contradicts the synopsis!
 * The canonical names are "MP3", "Ogg", and "FLAC".
>  mass-renaming and mass-retagging of a song library, multiple genres per song,
>  ratings and customizable labels

 * This paragraph should be at least two sentences.
 * Missing final punctuation.

>  .
>  The window layout is also customizable and it ships natively plugins to use

 * Bad elision: these clauses have different subjects.
 * Misplaced adverb "natively".
 * The Debian package doesn't "ship" plugins, it "includes" them.

>, retrieve lyrics, find album pictures and WebContext which, through

 * Broken-backed list (especially the relative subclause).
 * Word choice: "using", not "through".

>  the mozilla/webkit engine will display the wikipedia artist's page and search
>  lyrics with google.

 * Unclear subject of "will display".
 * Wrong word order in "the wikipedia artist's page".
 * You don't "search lyrics", you "search for lyrics".
 * The canonical names are

Revised version:

| Description: graphical jukebox for large music collections
|  gmusicbrowser is a powerful graphical browser which supports libraries
|  with a very large number of songs (over 10,000).
|  .
|  It can use multiple inputs and has native support for MP3, Ogg, and
|  FLAC files. It also supports mass-renaming and mass-retagging of a song
|  library, multiple genres per song, ratings, and customizable labels.
|  .
|  gmusicbrowser has a customizable window layout, and comes with plugins
|  to use, retrieve lyrics, or find album pictures and WebContext
|  (using the Mozilla or WebKit engines to display the artist's page on
|  Wikipedia and search for lyrics with Google).

JBR     with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
        sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package
diff -ru gmusicbrowser-1.1.10.pristine/debian/control gmusicbrowser-1.1.10/debian/control
--- gmusicbrowser-1.1.10.pristine/debian/control	2013-10-05 19:11:30.000000000 +0100
+++ gmusicbrowser-1.1.10/debian/control	2013-10-24 23:40:18.553134427 +0100
@@ -41,15 +41,15 @@
  mpg321 | flac123 | ogg123,
-Description: graphic jukebox for large collections of mp3/ogg/flac/mpc files
- gmusicbrowser is a powerful graphic browser which supports libraries with
- a great number of songs (>10,000)
+Description: graphical jukebox for large music collections
+ gmusicbrowser is a powerful graphical browser which supports libraries
+ with a very large number of songs (over 10,000).
- It can use multiple inputs and plays MP3, OGG and flac files; it also supports
- mass-renaming and mass-retagging of a song library, multiple genres per song,
- ratings and customizable labels
+ It can use multiple inputs and has native support for MP3, Ogg, and
+ FLAC files. It also supports mass-renaming and mass-retagging of a song
+ library, multiple genres per song, ratings, and customizable labels.
- The window layout is also customizable and it ships natively plugins to use
-, retrieve lyrics, find album pictures and WebContext which, through
- the mozilla/webkit engine will display the wikipedia artist's page and search
- lyrics with google.
+ gmusicbrowser has a customizable window layout, and comes with plugins
+ to use, retrieve lyrics, or find album pictures and WebContext
+ (using the Mozilla or WebKit engines to display the artist's page on
+ Wikipedia and search for lyrics with Google).

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