Control: reassign -1 quodlibet

On Fri, 2013-10-25 at 15:57 +0200, Yves-Alexis Perez wrote:
> Package: python-mmkeys
> Version:
> Severity: normal
> Hi,
> I'm not sure when this happened, but it seems that multimedia keys on my
> keyboard stopped working with Quodlibet (which uses python-mmkeys). I'm
> unsure how to debug that, any information appreciated.
Actually, it might be an issue in Quodlibet, so reassigning there.

Quodlibet maintainers: it seems that multimedia keys support on
quodlibet nowadays may use three interfaces (from

- dbus_mmkeys
- keybinder 3.0
- pyhook

None of the interface seem to work right now.

- dbusmmkeys seem to use dbus interfaces from GNOME, and I'm actually
running Xfce, so it doesnt really have a chance to work
- keybinder 3.0 is not in Debian (#698638)
- pyhook seems Windows related

I have no idea where python-mmkeys fits in everything, but in any case
it doesn't seem used anymore, unfortunately.

Can someone take a look at it and fix multimedia keys support?

Thanks in avance.


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