control: tags 729472 - i10n

Please use this i10n tag for i10n translation issues. 

Did you read README.Debian with:
!       Keyboard mode switching is now changed to SUPER-space.
!          The SUPER-key is commonly called windows-key.

Anyway, I finally figure out what was the bug :-)

On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 05:58:22PM +0800, littlebat wrote:
> Package: ibus
> Version: 1.5.4-1
> Severity: normal
> Tags: l10n
> In the ibus setup dialog window->"inputmethod" tab page, the help text
> bottom says it can change default input method by up/down key, but
> there is no up/down key at the right border as ibus in Debian 7.

I see you use Debian Release: jessie/sid

You mean "setup dialog window->"input method" tab page" with space on
menu displayed by the ibus-setup command.

> So, when I login into system using my language, the inputmethod default
> is Chinese. I can't input the word to locate a program in gnome-shell.

> Although, at last, I found I can using "shift" or "ALT_SPACE" to get
> english input method, but it isn't too convenient to switch english and
> chinese input method as before. I consider it is a bug.

You can but that is design decision by upstream.  You are changing input
mode within ibus-some-chinese-mode program.  You change input mode by
SUPER-SPACE now. (It is not on/off.  It changes amang multiple available
modes in circle.)

> If it is the design of new ibus, then it should take out the invalid
> help text in the setup tab page described above. 

It took me a while to figure out what you are talking.

> And inform user the
> big use change of ibus. Or, it will confuse many new users.

I bet there were up/down button befor which is missing now with reason
on the dialog at the bottom of ibus-setup.

Hmmm.... GNOME3 usually do not use this ibus-setup but set input source
via Settings->Keyboard->Input sources.  So this old ibus-setting is
there only for non GNOME3 (gnome-shell) users such as XFce/KDE/...

So I did not notice but this is useless message here.

Let's see the source in setup/setup.ui

<property name="label" translatable="yes">&lt;small&gt;&lt;i&gt;The
default input method is the top one in the list.
You may use up/down buttons to change

This should be more like:

<property name="label" translatable="yes">&lt;small&gt;&lt;i&gt;Active
input method can be swiched around from the selected ones in the above
list by pressing SUPER-SPACE (= Windows-SPACE) keys

Hmmm... I will ask upstream.


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