Control: reassign -1 python-kde4
Control: fixed -1 4:4.11.3-1

¡Hola Elmar!

El 2013-11-15 a las 10:49 +0100, Elmar Dolgener escribió:
> Am 13.11.2013 22:22, schrieb Maximiliano Curia:
>     Try removing the printer-applet package (it was replaced with 
> print-manager
>     anyway), and check if you can remove python-kde4 (which is currently 
> having
>     some issues in testing), and printer-applet and plasma-widget-veromix are
>     both python-kde4 dependant packages.

> Yes, this workaround has been successful, at least in restoring 
> plasma-desktop!

Good. I think that the problem is that python-kde4 is currently broken in
testing, which would be solved soon.

> However, the definitions of 19 activities, are gone (i.e. don't work anymore),
> even though there are at least 4 files that still contains information about
> them.

> ~/.kde/share/apps/activitymanager/resources/database
> ~/.kde/share/apps/activitymanager/activityranking/database
> ~/.kde/share/config/activitymanager-pluginsrc
> ~/.kde/share/config/activitymanagerrc

This is upgrading from 4.8.4 to 4.10.5?

We would need to fix that for jessie.

Could you open another bug about this?

We could use also some minimal configuration ~/.kde before and after the

> Surely somewhere there is even more related stuff; therefore it seems quite
> inappropriate to create new activities on top of that.

> It would be nice if there was a way to selectively reset ALL configuration
> concerning activities (without having to delete ~/.kde as whole).

> It would be evern nicer, if there was a way to script ones own customizations
> (definitions of activities, shortcuts and so on) in order to apply them to a
> freshly installed system.

You could drop js files in /usr/share/kde4/apps/plasma-desktop/updates/
which is documented here:

Or use /etc/skel for simple config file.

“Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are–by
definition–not smart enough to debug it.”
-- Brian Kernighan
Saludos /\/\ /\ >< `/

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