On 21-11-13 16:28, Graham Inggs wrote:
> I have looked, but don't think there is anything I can fix there.

Hmm, than I will leave some comments here and there.

>>> And, as you have been working on silencing lintian, why have you not
>>> tried to fix the extended-description-is-probably-too-short info warning?
> Override? :)

Well, ...., the idea would be to give a better description of course.
But maybe there is not a hell of a lot to tell more.

> While importing the previous versions, I noticed there was a
> debian/control.in file which I had overlooked previously.
> It seems that debian/control needs to be generated manually from this
> file.

Yes, people have applied such creation during building, but policy
doesn't allow that (for debian/control).

> I haven't encountered this arrangement before and to me it seems
> like maintaining this file is more of a hassle than it is worth.  Do I
> have to maintain it, or can I remove it?

If you think it doesn't help, yes, you can remove it. Usually if this is
done, it is because this way you can automate replacing variables in the
file. E.g. fpc and lazarus (which I co-maintain) use that procedure for
versioned packages.


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