
> * Package name    : teampass
>   Version         : 2.2.0
>   Upstream Author : Nils Laumaillé <n...@teampass.net>
> * URL             : http://www.teampass.net
> * License         : GNU AFFERO GPL3
>   Programming Lang: PHP, JavaScript
>   Description     : WEB based password manager

that looked promising. I tried the demo on your website, and also read
the comments on it. No offense, but I'm not so sure I'd entrust my
passwords to software who's developers apparently cannot run a demo of
their app without having it broken by demo users all the time ;). That
said, as a Debian user, I'd be interested in a more-or-less serious
audit of the software's security. Are there any references?


<Natureshadow> Auf welchem Server liegt das denn jetzt…?
<mirabilos> Wenn es nicht übers Netz kommt bei Hetzner, wenn es nicht
            gelesen wird bei STRATO, wenn es klappt bei manitu.

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