tag 731041 unreproducible moreinfo

On Sunday 01 December 2013 11:48:42 Eric Lavarde wrote:
> Hi,
> I apologize for the clumsy subject, but I didn't know how to summarize
> the issue properly.

No problem at all, sometimes is dificult :)

> Here is what happens anyway:
> 1. I plug a removable media (SD-card, Android phone as mass storage, no
> difference).
> 2. The device notifier doesn't show it in its list (dmesg shows it
> though).
> 3. if I call 'file -s /dev/sdi' then device notifier shows the media at
> once (file without -s doesn't do the trick, no clue what it makes for a
> difference to KDE), and I can mount it at a click of a mouse.
> 4. If I unplug and replug the device, it then _generally_ works as
> expected and KDE recognizes the device without help.
> I hope you can fix this, because the workaround is not exactly something
> I can explain to my users (wife, daughter...). Let me know if you need
> more information, the problem is repeatable.

Well, I can't reproduce this behavior. Actually I normally use a lot the 
device notifier and I don't remember it failing since the version in Wheezy.

I would like to ask you:

- did you try this in more than one machine?
- did you try this using different users accounts? (special bonus if you try 
in a newly created one).
- run "udisksctl monitor" and then plug one of the devices you mentioned in 
your bug. Please attach the output.
- send the output of "dpkg -l udisks2"

Please note that I'm just asking the normal questions as I could find for this 
issue on the web, I'm not familiar with how KDE does handle this things.

Kinds regards, Lisandro.

Así se corrobora el software legal en Argentina

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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