On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 11:55:28AM -0300, Antonio Terceiro wrote:
> I am working on having fixed for all suites, and I should be able to
> finish it during the weekend.
> I had already send debdiff's to t...@security.debian.org early in the
> week but forgot to push them to the git repository, and to mention that
> in the bug logs. Raphael, thanks for your help anyway.

I have uploaded fixed packages to stable-security and
oldstable-security, final diffs are atttached. Raphael, thanks for your

I have also uploaded fixed packages for unstable. Their version numbers:


Antonio Terceiro <terce...@debian.org>
diff -u ruby1.8- ruby1.8-
--- ruby1.8-
+++ ruby1.8-
@@ -1,3 +1,15 @@
+ruby1.8 ( oldstable-security; urgency=high
+  [ Raphaël Hertzog ]
+  * Add multiple patches to fix security issues:
+    - CVE-2013-4164: Fix heap overflow in floating point parsing
+      (Closes: #730189)
+    - CVE-2013-1821: Fix entity expansion DoS vulnerability in REXML
+      (Closes: #702526)
+    - CVE-2013-4073: Fix incorrect ssl hostname verification (Closes: #714541)
+ -- Antonio Terceiro <terce...@debian.org>  Sun, 01 Dec 2013 19:24:20 -0300
 ruby1.8 ( stable; urgency=low
   * Add Conflicts and Replaces to libruby1.8 for irb1.8 and rdoc1.8.
diff -u ruby1.8- ruby1.8-
--- ruby1.8-
+++ ruby1.8-
@@ -12,0 +13,3 @@
only in patch2:
--- ruby1.8-
+++ ruby1.8-
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
only in patch2:
--- ruby1.8-
+++ ruby1.8-
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Description: Fix Heap Overflow in Floating Point Parsing
+ This vulnerability is tracked with CVE-2013-4164.
+ .
+ https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news/2013/11/22/ruby-1-9-3-p484-is-released/
+Origin: backport, https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/projects/ruby-193/repository/revisions/43776/diff
+ https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/projects/ruby-193/repository/revisions/43782/diff
+Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/730189
+Forwarded: not-needed
+Applied-Upstream: 1.9.3-p484, 2.0.0-p353
+Last-Update: 2013-11-29
+--- a/util.c
++++ b/util.c
+@@ -888,6 +888,11 @@ extern void *MALLOC(size_t);
+ #else
+ #define MALLOC malloc
+ #endif
++#ifdef FREE
++extern void FREE(void*);
++#define FREE free
+ #ifndef Omit_Private_Memory
+ #ifndef PRIVATE_MEM
+@@ -1172,7 +1177,7 @@ Balloc(int k)
+ #endif
+-    if ((rv = freelist[k]) != 0) {
++    if (k <= Kmax && (rv = freelist[k]) != 0) {
+         freelist[k] = rv->next;
+     }
+     else {
+@@ -1182,7 +1187,7 @@ Balloc(int k)
+ #else
+         len = (sizeof(Bigint) + (x-1)*sizeof(ULong) + sizeof(double) - 1)
+                 /sizeof(double);
+-        if (pmem_next - private_mem + len <= PRIVATE_mem) {
++        if (k <= Kmax && pmem_next - private_mem + len <= PRIVATE_mem) {
+             rv = (Bigint*)pmem_next;
+             pmem_next += len;
+         }
+@@ -1201,6 +1206,10 @@ static void
+ Bfree(Bigint *v)
+ {
+     if (v) {
++        if (v->k > Kmax) {
++            FREE(v);
++            return;
++        }
+         ACQUIRE_DTOA_LOCK(0);
+         v->next = freelist[v->k];
+         freelist[v->k] = v;
+@@ -2196,6 +2205,7 @@ break2:
+         for (; c >= '0' && c <= '9'; c = *++s) {
+ have_dig:
+             nz++;
++            if (nf > DBL_DIG * 4) continue;
+             if (c -= '0') {
+                 nf += nz;
+                 for (i = 1; i < nz; i++)
+--- a/test/ruby/test_float.rb
++++ b/test/ruby/test_float.rb
+@@ -144,4 +144,9 @@ class TestFloat < Test::Unit::TestCase
+     assert_operator((-4611686018427387905.0).to_i, :<, 0)
+     assert_operator((-4611686018427387906.0).to_i, :<, 0)
+   end
++  def test_long_string
++    assert(10.0 - ("1."+"1"*300000).to_f*9 < 0.000001)
++  end
+ end
only in patch2:
--- ruby1.8-
+++ ruby1.8-
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+Description: Fix entity expansion DoS vulnerability in REXML
+ CVE-2013-1821
+Origin: upstream, http://svn.ruby-lang.org/cgi-bin/viewvc.cgi?view=revision&revision=39384&view=patch
+Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/702526
+Forwarded: not-needed
+Author: Salvatore Bonaccorso <car...@debian.org>
+Last-Update: 2013-03-09
+--- a/lib/rexml/document.rb
++++ b/lib/rexml/document.rb
+@@ -214,6 +214,18 @@
+       return @@entity_expansion_limit
+     end
++    @@entity_expansion_text_limit = 10_240
++    # Set the entity expansion limit. By default the limit is set to 10240.
++    def Document::entity_expansion_text_limit=( val )
++      @@entity_expansion_text_limit = val
++    end
++    # Get the entity expansion limit. By default the limit is set to 10000.
++    def Document::entity_expansion_text_limit
++      return @@entity_expansion_text_limit
++    end
+     attr_reader :entity_expansion_count
+     def record_entity_expansion
+--- a/test/rexml/test_document.rb
++++ b/test/rexml/test_document.rb
+@@ -63,4 +63,23 @@
+   ensure
+     REXML::Document.entity_expansion_limit = 10000
+   end
++  def test_entity_string_limit
++    template = '<!DOCTYPE bomb [ <!ENTITY a "^" > ]> <bomb>$</bomb>'
++    len      = 5120 # 5k per entity
++    template.sub!(/\^/, "B" * len)
++    # 10k is OK
++    entities = '&a;' * 2 # 5k entity * 2 = 10k
++    xmldoc = REXML::Document.new(template.sub(/\$/, entities))
++    assert_equal(len * 2, xmldoc.root.text.bytesize)
++    # above 10k explodes
++    entities = '&a;' * 3 # 5k entity * 2 = 15k
++    xmldoc = REXML::Document.new(template.sub(/\$/, entities))
++    assert_raises(RuntimeError) do
++      xmldoc.root.text
++    end
++  end
+ end
+--- a/lib/rexml/text.rb
++++ b/lib/rexml/text.rb
+@@ -308,37 +308,35 @@
+     # Unescapes all possible entities
+     def Text::unnormalize( string, doctype=nil, filter=nil, illegal=nil )
+-      rv = string.clone
+-      rv.gsub!( /\r\n?/, "\n" )
+-      matches = rv.scan( REFERENCE )
+-      return rv if matches.size == 0
+-      rv.gsub!( NUMERICENTITY ) {|m|
+-        m=$1
+-        m = "0#{m}" if m[0] == ?x
+-        [Integer(m)].pack('U*')
++      sum = 0
++      string.gsub( /\r\n?/, "\n" ).gsub( REFERENCE ) {
++        s = Text.expand($&, doctype, filter)
++        if sum + s.bytesize > Document.entity_expansion_text_limit
++          raise "entity expansion has grown too large"
++        else
++          sum += s.bytesize
++        end
++        s
+       }
+-      matches.collect!{|x|x[0]}.compact!
+-      if matches.size > 0
+-        if doctype
+-          matches.each do |entity_reference|
+-            unless filter and filter.include?(entity_reference)
+-              entity_value = doctype.entity( entity_reference )
+-              re = /&#{entity_reference};/
+-              rv.gsub!( re, entity_value ) if entity_value
+-            end
+-          end
++    end
++    def Text.expand(ref, doctype, filter)
++      if ref[1] == ?#
++        if ref[2] == ?x
++          [ref[3...-1].to_i(16)].pack('U*')
+         else
+-          matches.each do |entity_reference|
+-            unless filter and filter.include?(entity_reference)
+-              entity_value = DocType::DEFAULT_ENTITIES[ entity_reference ]
+-              re = /&#{entity_reference};/
+-              rv.gsub!( re, entity_value.value ) if entity_value
+-            end
+-          end
++          [ref[2...-1].to_i].pack('U*')
+         end
+-        rv.gsub!( /&amp;/, '&' )
++      elsif ref == '&amp;'
++        '&'
++      elsif filter and filter.include?( ref[1...-1] )
++        ref
++      elsif doctype
++        doctype.entity( ref[1...-1] ) or ref
++      else
++        entity_value = DocType::DEFAULT_ENTITIES[ ref[1...-1] ]
++        entity_value ? entity_value.value : ref
+       end
+-      rv
+     end
+   end
+ end
only in patch2:
--- ruby1.8-
+++ ruby1.8-
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+Description: fix incorrect ssl hostname verification
+Origin: upstream, https://github.com/ruby/ruby/commit/961bf7496ded3acfe847cf56fa90bbdcfd6e614f
+Origin: backport, https://github.com/ruby/ruby/commit/a3a62f87e144be31b9ca8ad6415b207f43f4e126
+Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=714541
+Bug: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/8575
+Index: ruby1.8-
+--- ruby1.8-	2013-07-08 10:16:49.926709322 -0400
++++ ruby1.8-	2013-07-08 10:16:49.918709322 -0400
+@@ -90,14 +90,22 @@
+       should_verify_common_name = true
+       cert.extensions.each{|ext|
+         next if ext.oid != "subjectAltName"
+-        ext.value.split(/,\s+/).each{|general_name|
+-          if /\ADNS:(.*)/ =~ general_name
++        ostr = OpenSSL::ASN1.decode(ext.to_der).value.last
++        sequence = OpenSSL::ASN1.decode(ostr.value)
++        sequence.value.each{|san|
++          case san.tag
++          when 2 # dNSName in GeneralName (RFC5280)
+             should_verify_common_name = false
+-            reg = Regexp.escape($1).gsub(/\\\*/, "[^.]+")
++            reg = Regexp.escape(san.value).gsub(/\\\*/, "[^.]+")
+             return true if /\A#{reg}\z/i =~ hostname
+-          elsif /\AIP Address:(.*)/ =~ general_name
++          when 7 # iPAddress in GeneralName (RFC5280)
+             should_verify_common_name = false
+-            return true if $1 == hostname
++            # follows GENERAL_NAME_print() in x509v3/v3_alt.c
++            if san.value.size == 4
++              return true if san.value.unpack('C*').join('.') == hostname
++            elsif san.value.size == 16
++              return true if san.value.unpack('n*').map { |e| sprintf("%X", e) }.join(':') == hostname
++            end
+           end
+         }
+       }
+Index: ruby1.8-
+--- ruby1.8-	2013-07-08 10:16:49.926709322 -0400
++++ ruby1.8-	2013-07-08 10:16:49.922709322 -0400
+@@ -532,6 +532,36 @@
+       end
+     end
+   end
++  def test_verify_certificate_identity
++    [true, false].each do |criticality|
++      cert = create_null_byte_SAN_certificate(criticality)
++      assert_equal(false, OpenSSL::SSL.verify_certificate_identity(cert, 'www.example.com'))
++      assert_equal(true,  OpenSSL::SSL.verify_certificate_identity(cert, 'www.example.com\0.evil.com'))
++      assert_equal(false, OpenSSL::SSL.verify_certificate_identity(cert, ''))
++      assert_equal(true,  OpenSSL::SSL.verify_certificate_identity(cert, ''))
++      assert_equal(false, OpenSSL::SSL.verify_certificate_identity(cert, '13::17'))
++      assert_equal(true,  OpenSSL::SSL.verify_certificate_identity(cert, '13:0:0:0:0:0:0:17'))
++    end
++  end
++  # Create NULL byte SAN certificate
++  def create_null_byte_SAN_certificate(critical = false)
++    ef = OpenSSL::X509::ExtensionFactory.new
++    cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new
++    cert.subject = OpenSSL::X509::Name.parse "/DC=some/DC=site/CN=Some Site"
++    ext = ef.create_ext('subjectAltName', 'DNS:placeholder,IP:,IP:13::17', critical)
++    ext_asn1 = OpenSSL::ASN1.decode(ext.to_der)
++    san_list_der = ext_asn1.value.reduce(nil) { |memo,val| val.tag == 4 ? val.value : memo }
++    san_list_asn1 = OpenSSL::ASN1.decode(san_list_der)
++    san_list_asn1.value[0].value = 'www.example.com\0.evil.com'
++    pos = critical ? 2 : 1
++    ext_asn1.value[pos].value = san_list_asn1.to_der
++    real_ext = OpenSSL::X509::Extension.new ext_asn1
++    cert.add_extension(real_ext)
++    cert
++  end
+ end
+ end
diff -Nru ruby1.8- ruby1.8-
--- ruby1.8-	2013-07-08 11:37:30.000000000 -0300
+++ ruby1.8-	2013-12-02 00:23:45.000000000 -0300
@@ -1,3 +1,17 @@
+ruby1.8 ( stable-security; urgency=high
+  [ Raphaël Hertzog ]
+  * debian/patches/CVE-2013-4164.patch: New patch to fix
+    heap overflow in floating point parsing (Closes: #730189)
+    Thanks to Moritz Muehlenhoff for the patch.
+  [ Antonio Terceiro ]
+  * debian/patches/CVE-2013-4073: fix regression that introduced syntax errors
+    in test/openssl/test_ssl.rb, breaking the execution of the test suite
+    during the package build.
+ -- Antonio Terceiro <terce...@debian.org>  Sun, 01 Dec 2013 23:22:26 -0300
 ruby1.8 ( unstable; urgency=high
   * Non-maintainer upload.
diff -Nru ruby1.8- ruby1.8-
--- ruby1.8-	2013-07-08 11:37:30.000000000 -0300
+++ ruby1.8-	2013-12-01 23:19:56.000000000 -0300
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
-pristine-tar = True
diff -Nru ruby1.8- ruby1.8-
--- ruby1.8-	2013-07-08 11:37:30.000000000 -0300
+++ ruby1.8-	2013-12-02 00:16:45.000000000 -0300
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 --- a/ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl-internal.rb
 +++ b/ext/openssl/lib/openssl/ssl-internal.rb
-@@ -90,14 +90,22 @@
+@@ -90,14 +90,22 @@ module OpenSSL
        should_verify_common_name = true
          next if ext.oid != "subjectAltName"
@@ -42,40 +42,40 @@
 --- a/test/openssl/test_ssl.rb
 +++ b/test/openssl/test_ssl.rb
-@@ -547,6 +547,36 @@
+@@ -547,6 +547,36 @@ class OpenSSL::TestSSL < Test::Unit::Tes
-+  def test_verify_certificate_identity$
-+    [true, false].each do |criticality|$
-+      cert = create_null_byte_SAN_certificate(criticality)$
-+      assert_equal(false, OpenSSL::SSL.verify_certificate_identity(cert, 'www.example.com'))$
-+      assert_equal(true,  OpenSSL::SSL.verify_certificate_identity(cert, 'www.example.com\0.evil.com'))$
-+      assert_equal(false, OpenSSL::SSL.verify_certificate_identity(cert, ''))$
-+      assert_equal(true,  OpenSSL::SSL.verify_certificate_identity(cert, ''))$
-+      assert_equal(false, OpenSSL::SSL.verify_certificate_identity(cert, '13::17'))$
-+      assert_equal(true,  OpenSSL::SSL.verify_certificate_identity(cert, '13:0:0:0:0:0:0:17'))$
-+    end$
-+  end$
-+  # Create NULL byte SAN certificate$
-+  def create_null_byte_SAN_certificate(critical = false)$
-+    ef = OpenSSL::X509::ExtensionFactory.new$
-+    cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new$
-+    cert.subject = OpenSSL::X509::Name.parse "/DC=some/DC=site/CN=Some Site"$
-+    ext = ef.create_ext('subjectAltName', 'DNS:placeholder,IP:,IP:13::17', critical)$
-+    ext_asn1 = OpenSSL::ASN1.decode(ext.to_der)$
-+    san_list_der = ext_asn1.value.reduce(nil) { |memo,val| val.tag == 4 ? val.value : memo }$
-+    san_list_asn1 = OpenSSL::ASN1.decode(san_list_der)$
-+    san_list_asn1.value[0].value = 'www.example.com\0.evil.com'$
-+    pos = critical ? 2 : 1$
-+    ext_asn1.value[pos].value = san_list_asn1.to_der$
-+    real_ext = OpenSSL::X509::Extension.new ext_asn1$
-+    cert.add_extension(real_ext)$
-+    cert$
-+  end$
++  def test_verify_certificate_identity
++    [true, false].each do |criticality|
++      cert = create_null_byte_SAN_certificate(criticality)
++      assert_equal(false, OpenSSL::SSL.verify_certificate_identity(cert, 'www.example.com'))
++      assert_equal(true,  OpenSSL::SSL.verify_certificate_identity(cert, 'www.example.com\0.evil.com'))
++      assert_equal(false, OpenSSL::SSL.verify_certificate_identity(cert, ''))
++      assert_equal(true,  OpenSSL::SSL.verify_certificate_identity(cert, ''))
++      assert_equal(false, OpenSSL::SSL.verify_certificate_identity(cert, '13::17'))
++      assert_equal(true,  OpenSSL::SSL.verify_certificate_identity(cert, '13:0:0:0:0:0:0:17'))
++    end
++  end
++  # Create NULL byte SAN certificate
++  def create_null_byte_SAN_certificate(critical = false)
++    ef = OpenSSL::X509::ExtensionFactory.new
++    cert = OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.new
++    cert.subject = OpenSSL::X509::Name.parse "/DC=some/DC=site/CN=Some Site"
++    ext = ef.create_ext('subjectAltName', 'DNS:placeholder,IP:,IP:13::17', critical)
++    ext_asn1 = OpenSSL::ASN1.decode(ext.to_der)
++    san_list_der = ext_asn1.value.reduce(nil) { |memo,val| val.tag == 4 ? val.value : memo }
++    san_list_asn1 = OpenSSL::ASN1.decode(san_list_der)
++    san_list_asn1.value[0].value = 'www.example.com\0.evil.com'
++    pos = critical ? 2 : 1
++    ext_asn1.value[pos].value = san_list_asn1.to_der
++    real_ext = OpenSSL::X509::Extension.new ext_asn1
++    cert.add_extension(real_ext)
++    cert
++  end
diff -Nru ruby1.8- ruby1.8-
--- ruby1.8-	1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ ruby1.8-	2013-12-01 23:21:31.000000000 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Description: Fix Heap Overflow in Floating Point Parsing
+ This vulnerability is tracked with CVE-2013-4164.
+ .
+ https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news/2013/11/22/ruby-1-9-3-p484-is-released/
+Origin: backport, https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/projects/ruby-193/repository/revisions/43776/diff
+ https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/projects/ruby-193/repository/revisions/43782/diff
+Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/730189
+Forwarded: not-needed
+Applied-Upstream: 1.9.3-p484, 2.0.0-p353
+Last-Update: 2013-11-29
+--- a/util.c
++++ b/util.c
+@@ -892,6 +892,11 @@ extern void *MALLOC(size_t);
+ #else
+ #define MALLOC malloc
+ #endif
++#ifdef FREE
++extern void FREE(void*);
++#define FREE free
+ #ifndef Omit_Private_Memory
+ #ifndef PRIVATE_MEM
+@@ -1176,7 +1181,7 @@ Balloc(int k)
+ #endif
+-    if ((rv = freelist[k]) != 0) {
++    if (k <= Kmax && (rv = freelist[k]) != 0) {
+         freelist[k] = rv->next;
+     }
+     else {
+@@ -1186,7 +1191,7 @@ Balloc(int k)
+ #else
+         len = (sizeof(Bigint) + (x-1)*sizeof(ULong) + sizeof(double) - 1)
+                 /sizeof(double);
+-        if (pmem_next - private_mem + len <= PRIVATE_mem) {
++        if (k <= Kmax && pmem_next - private_mem + len <= PRIVATE_mem) {
+             rv = (Bigint*)pmem_next;
+             pmem_next += len;
+         }
+@@ -1205,6 +1210,10 @@ static void
+ Bfree(Bigint *v)
+ {
+     if (v) {
++        if (v->k > Kmax) {
++            FREE(v);
++            return;
++        }
+         ACQUIRE_DTOA_LOCK(0);
+         v->next = freelist[v->k];
+         freelist[v->k] = v;
+@@ -2200,6 +2209,7 @@ break2:
+         for (; c >= '0' && c <= '9'; c = *++s) {
+ have_dig:
+             nz++;
++            if (nf > DBL_DIG * 4) continue;
+             if (c -= '0') {
+                 nf += nz;
+                 for (i = 1; i < nz; i++)
+--- a/test/ruby/test_float.rb
++++ b/test/ruby/test_float.rb
+@@ -171,4 +171,9 @@ class TestFloat < Test::Unit::TestCase
+     assert_raise(ArgumentError) { 1.0 < nil }
+     assert_raise(ArgumentError) { 1.0 <= nil }
+   end
++  def test_long_string
++    assert(10.0 - ("1."+"1"*300000).to_f*9 < 0.000001)
++  end
+ end
diff -Nru ruby1.8- ruby1.8-
--- ruby1.8-	2013-07-08 11:37:30.000000000 -0300
+++ ruby1.8-	2013-12-01 23:19:56.000000000 -0300
@@ -16,3 +16,4 @@
diff -Nru ruby1.9.1- ruby1.9.1-
--- ruby1.9.1-  2013-08-07 16:56:56.000000000 -0300
+++ ruby1.9.1-  2013-12-01 19:47:32.000000000 -0300
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+ruby1.9.1 ( oldstable-security; urgency=high
+  [ Raphaël Hertzog ]
+  * debian/patches/CVE-2013-4164.patch: add upstream patch to fix heap
+    overflow in floating point parsing. Closes: #730178
+ -- Antonio Terceiro <terce...@debian.org>  Sun, 01 Dec 2013 19:47:31 -0300
 ruby1.9.1 ( oldstable-security; urgency=high
   * Team upload
diff -Nru ruby1.9.1- ruby1.9.1-
--- ruby1.9.1-   1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ ruby1.9.1-   2013-12-01 19:49:49.000000000 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff -Nru ruby1.9.1- 
--- ruby1.9.1-        1969-12-31 
21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ ruby1.9.1-        2013-12-01 
19:40:51.000000000 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+Description: Fix Heap Overflow in Floating Point Parsing
+ This vulnerability is tracked with CVE-2013-4164.
+ .
+ https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news/2013/11/22/ruby-1-9-3-p484-is-released/
+Origin: upstream, 
+Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/730178
+Forwarded: not-needed
+Applied-Upstream: 1.9.3-p484, 2.0.0-p353
+Last-Update: 2013-11-29
+--- a/util.c
++++ b/util.c
+@@ -852,6 +852,11 @@ extern void *MALLOC(size_t);
+ #else
+ #define MALLOC malloc
+ #endif
++#ifdef FREE
++extern void FREE(void*);
++#define FREE free
+ #ifndef Omit_Private_Memory
+ #ifndef PRIVATE_MEM
+@@ -1142,7 +1147,7 @@ Balloc(int k)
+ #endif
+-    if ((rv = freelist[k]) != 0) {
++    if (k <= Kmax && (rv = freelist[k]) != 0) {
+         freelist[k] = rv->next;
+     }
+     else {
+@@ -1152,7 +1157,7 @@ Balloc(int k)
+ #else
+         len = (sizeof(Bigint) + (x-1)*sizeof(ULong) + sizeof(double) - 1)
+                 /sizeof(double);
+-        if (pmem_next - private_mem + len <= PRIVATE_mem) {
++        if (k <= Kmax && pmem_next - private_mem + len <= PRIVATE_mem) {
+             rv = (Bigint*)pmem_next;
+             pmem_next += len;
+         }
+@@ -1171,6 +1176,10 @@ static void
+ Bfree(Bigint *v)
+ {
+     if (v) {
++        if (v->k > Kmax) {
++            FREE(v);
++            return;
++        }
+         ACQUIRE_DTOA_LOCK(0);
+         v->next = freelist[v->k];
+         freelist[v->k] = v;
+@@ -2201,6 +2210,7 @@ break2:
+         for (; c >= '0' && c <= '9'; c = *++s) {
+ have_dig:
+             nz++;
++            if (nf > DBL_DIG * 4) continue;
+             if (c -= '0') {
+                 nf += nz;
+                 for (i = 1; i < nz; i++)
+--- a/test/ruby/test_float.rb
++++ b/test/ruby/test_float.rb
+@@ -450,4 +450,16 @@ class TestFloat < Test::Unit::TestCase
+       sleep(0.1+0.1+0.1+0.1+0.1+0.1+0.1+0.1+0.1+0.1)
+     end
+   end
++  def test_long_string
++    assert_normal_exit(<<-'end;')
++    assert_in_epsilon(10.0, ("1."+"1"*300000).to_f*9)
++    end;
++  end
++  def test_long_string
++    assert_normal_exit(<<-'end;')
++    assert_in_epsilon(10.0, ("1."+"1"*300000).to_f*9)
++    end;
++  end
+ end
diff -Nru ruby1.9.1- 
--- ruby1.9.1-     2013-08-07 15:27:59.000000000 
+++ ruby1.9.1-     2013-12-01 19:40:51.000000000 
@@ -27,3 +27,4 @@
diff -Nru ruby1.9.1- 
--- ruby1.9.1-        2013-08-06 12:43:31.000000000 
+++ ruby1.9.1-        2013-12-01 23:28:35.000000000 
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+ruby1.9.1 ( stable-security; urgency=low
+  [ Raphaël Hertzog ]
+  * debian/patches/CVE-2013-4164.patch: add upstream patch to fix heap
+    overflow in floating point parsing. Closes: #730178
+ -- Antonio Terceiro <terce...@debian.org>  Sun, 01 Dec 2013 23:28:34 -0300
 ruby1.9.1 ( stable-security; urgency=low
   * debian/patches/CVE-2013-2065.patch: add upstream patch to fix object taint
diff -Nru ruby1.9.1- 
--- ruby1.9.1- 1969-12-31 21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ ruby1.9.1- 2013-12-01 23:28:06.000000000 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff -Nru ruby1.9.1- 
--- ruby1.9.1-      1969-12-31 
21:00:00.000000000 -0300
+++ ruby1.9.1-      2013-12-01 
23:28:06.000000000 -0300
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+Description: Fix Heap Overflow in Floating Point Parsing
+ This vulnerability is tracked with CVE-2013-4164.
+ .
+ https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/news/2013/11/22/ruby-1-9-3-p484-is-released/
+Origin: upstream, 
+Bug-Debian: http://bugs.debian.org/730178
+Forwarded: not-needed
+Applied-Upstream: 1.9.3-p484, 2.0.0-p353
+Last-Update: 2013-11-29
+--- a/util.c
++++ b/util.c
+@@ -852,6 +852,11 @@ extern void *MALLOC(size_t);
+ #else
+ #define MALLOC malloc
+ #endif
++#ifdef FREE
++extern void FREE(void*);
++#define FREE free
+ #ifndef Omit_Private_Memory
+ #ifndef PRIVATE_MEM
+@@ -1142,7 +1147,7 @@ Balloc(int k)
+ #endif
+-    if ((rv = freelist[k]) != 0) {
++    if (k <= Kmax && (rv = freelist[k]) != 0) {
+         freelist[k] = rv->next;
+     }
+     else {
+@@ -1152,7 +1157,7 @@ Balloc(int k)
+ #else
+         len = (sizeof(Bigint) + (x-1)*sizeof(ULong) + sizeof(double) - 1)
+                 /sizeof(double);
+-        if (pmem_next - private_mem + len <= PRIVATE_mem) {
++        if (k <= Kmax && pmem_next - private_mem + len <= PRIVATE_mem) {
+             rv = (Bigint*)pmem_next;
+             pmem_next += len;
+         }
+@@ -1171,6 +1176,10 @@ static void
+ Bfree(Bigint *v)
+ {
+     if (v) {
++        if (v->k > Kmax) {
++            FREE(v);
++            return;
++        }
+         ACQUIRE_DTOA_LOCK(0);
+         v->next = freelist[v->k];
+         freelist[v->k] = v;
+@@ -2231,6 +2240,7 @@ break2:
+         for (; c >= '0' && c <= '9'; c = *++s) {
+ have_dig:
+             nz++;
++            if (nf > DBL_DIG * 4) continue;
+             if (c -= '0') {
+                 nf += nz;
+                 for (i = 1; i < nz; i++)
+--- a/test/ruby/test_float.rb
++++ b/test/ruby/test_float.rb
+@@ -519,4 +519,16 @@ class TestFloat < Test::Unit::TestCase
+       sleep(0.1+0.1+0.1+0.1+0.1+0.1+0.1+0.1+0.1+0.1)
+     end
+   end
++  def test_long_string
++    assert_normal_exit(<<-'end;')
++    assert_in_epsilon(10.0, ("1."+"1"*300000).to_f*9)
++    end;
++  end
++  def test_long_string
++    assert_normal_exit(<<-'end;')
++    assert_in_epsilon(10.0, ("1."+"1"*300000).to_f*9)
++    end;
++  end
+ end
diff -Nru ruby1.9.1- 
--- ruby1.9.1-   2013-08-06 12:43:31.000000000 
+++ ruby1.9.1-   2013-12-01 21:58:20.000000000 
@@ -24,3 +24,4 @@

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