Control: reassign -1 wnpp
Control: retitle -1 ITP: diylc -- electronic circuit designer for stripboards
Control: owner -1

On Ma, 03 dec 13, 22:41:24, ChrisofBristol (gmail) wrote:
> Package: DIY Layout Creator
> Version: 3.28.0
> *The licence the package is provided under;*  GPL3
> *Short and long descriptions of the package;*
>       *Short:*  Electronic circuit layout designer for stripboards.
>       *Long:*  DIY Layout Creator (DIYLC for short) is a drawing tool 
> developed with help of a large online community of DIY electronics 
> enthusiasts. It incorporates many ideas that came from people using older 
> versions of the application.  The goal is to provide a simple interface and 
> enough power to let the user draw schematics, board/chassis layouts and 
> wiring diagrams quickly and without a steep learning curve.
> *Where the package can be obtained from:*
>       It has already been packaged by 
> GetDeb:
>       The source is available 
> here:
> Mentors
> I would like a sponsor for the "DIY Layout Creator" package. The maintainer 
>  but he is not a Linux user, so I am the Linux contact.
> This is an extremely useful and effective package with a well thought out and 
> easy to use interface. It has already been downloaded tens of thousands of 
> times for various operating systems. Including it in Debian would enable 
> Debian users to find and install it easily.

In order to look for sponsors you will have to file a separate RFS bug 
against the sponsorship-requests pseudo-package.

Kind regards,
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