On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 10:00:01PM -0500, Ted Felix wrote:
>   Again, thanks for the patch.  I've taken it and made a few minor
> "improvements" and it is now available via git on acpid2's
> sourceforge page.  This should be the proper incantation to grab a
> copy of the latest source:
> git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/acpid2/code acpid2-code
>   If you could build this and try it out, I would appreciate it.
> One key change you'll notice is that the action to drop events has
> been changed from the more emphatic DIEDIEDIE to the more mundane
> <drop>. Hopefully this doesn't ruffle any feathers.

Sorry for the delayed reply - obstructed first by the root filesystem
on my main box eating itself and then by Christmas occurring...

I have built your git code and installed it. It seems to be working
fine, and looking over your changes I see no reason why this should
not be the case :) I think the idea of a separate drop list is neater
than overloading the command list, too. Nice one!


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