On 01/02/2014 08:46 PM, Ben Finney wrote:
> On 02-Jan-2014, David Prévot wrote:
>> Calling closure-compiler inside pbuilder or sbuild (e.g. from d/rules)
>> fails with:
>>      run-detectors: unable to find an interpreter for 
>> /usr/bin/closure-compiler
>> It works fine with debuild, and closure-compiler can even be called
>> without error in a minimal (pbuilder) chroot, but not during a “normal”
>> build.
> I get the same error in a PBuilder chroot:
>     run-detectors: unable to find an interpreter for /usr/bin/closure-compiler
> And even when invoking the command from a plain prompt in the chroot:
>     # /usr/bin/closure-compiler 
>     run-detectors: unable to find an interpreter for /usr/bin/closure-compiler
> Since this now breaks when using a number of package build tools, this bug
> is IMO an “important” severity.

Odd, I don't see that error when installing into a clean sid chroot, but
I do see it when installing into my "jdk" chroot, which already has a
JDK (and I presume jarwrappers) installed.  I'll try to figure out
what's going on with jarwrappers.  The only change with -4 upload is to
depend on jarwrappers.

Thanks for the bug report.

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