On Sun, 05 Jan 2014 11:50:36 +1100, Ben Finney wrote:

> On 31-Dec-2013, gregor herrmann wrote:
> > Can't this be solved with a simple
> >     Provides: closure-compiler
> > in the libclosure-compiler-java package?
> > (Or the other way round.)
> That doesn't address:
> * a manpage for the command (required by Debian policy), which is
>   extraneous for a libary package

That's not my interpretation of Debian Policy, or maybe I
misunderstood you.


     Each program, utility, and function should have an associated
     manual page included in the same package. It is suggested that
     all configuration files also have a manual page included as
     well. Manual pages for protocols and other auxiliary things are
I can't find any reference to "library packages" or similar.

So if closure-compiler can be executed it needs a manpage, no matter
in which (kind) package under which name it is.

> > Having a de facto empty package doesn't seem very appealing to me.
> No package providing a command should be empty; there needs to be the
> command, and a manpage, at least. So this objection doesn't seem to apply
> for bug#733996.

My understanding of the idea [0] was that the new closure-compiler
package would only contain a symlink (and a dependency), since that
actual "command" is the same jar as what is in
libclosure-compiler-java [1].

If that's the case, it still feels a bit odd to me.

If I misunderstood the situation or there are other ideas on how to
separate a binary and a library package, that's fine for me :)




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