Package: LXDE
Version: 0.5.5

Ladies/Gentlemen:   About a week ago, I tried to report this problem using
           the reportbug package, but it didn't seem to work.  Therefore,
           I'm trying a simple e-mail.

I'm using Debian Wheezy, the 32-bit version (i386) with both the LXDE desktop
and the Xfce desktop.

On the Xfce desktop, brasero is pre-installed and works fine.
On the LXDE desktop, I've installed brasero using synaptic, and have
  confirmed that the same dependent packages are installed as with the
  Xfce version.

When invoking brasero under LXDE, tha package starts the initial create
checksum phase but never finishes it, and doesn't progress to writing anything
on the DVD media.  I don't understand why it won't work, because the same 
repositories are in effect for both desktops.

Please advise.

Len E. <>

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