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Hi rhonda,

On 12.01.2014 11:20, Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
> Package: mediathekview
> Version: 4-1
> Severity: grave
> Justification: renders package unusable
>      Hi!
>  I didn't want to wait the few days for the testing transition, so I
> installed mediathekview from unstable into my testing system.  But it
> doesn't start at all, this is the output I receive:

Did you try to run MediathekView with OpenJDK 6 or OpenJDK 7? As far as
I can see you seem to have installed OpenJDK 7 but perhaps your defaults
(update-alternatives) still point to version 6? MV 4 will only work with
OpenJDK 7 or later and since default-jre points to OpenJDK-7 on your
system, the dependency should be satisfied.

Please report back whether this solves your issue.



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